831 species

Acropora fenneri

Veron, 2000


Oken, 1815

Characters: Colonies may be over one metre across and consist of irregular but mostly upright tangles of branches. Branches divide irregularly and form short branchlets from incipient axial corallites. Axial and incipient axial corallites are identical; the latter usually have several tubular appressed radial corallites. The coenosteum is smooth.

Colour: Pale brown.

Similar Species: None of the other finely branched Acropora have similar irregular branchlets. See A. horrida.

Habitat: Shallow reef environments protected from wave action. Acropora fenneri, A. derawanensis and A. filiformis may occur together in the same habitat.

Abundance: Uncommon.

Taxonomic Note: Based on assessment of the specimen deposited at MTQ, Wallace, Done and Muir (2012) considered this species to have very strong affinities with Acropora horrida, whilst also noting that the MTQ specimen appears different to the type deposited at MSI-UP. Although there are some similarities, these species are clearly distinct in both the field and laboratory.

Taxonomic References: Veron (2000a); Veron (2002a);

COTW History since Veron (2000a)
  • Family: All families are currently under review
  • Genus/species: No change