831 species

Turbinaria mesenterina

(Lamarck, 1816)


Oken, 1815

Characters: Colonies are composed of unifacial laminae which are highly contorted and fused when growing in subtidal habitats, are upright or tiered when on upper reef slopes and are horizontal in deeper water. This variation is determined by light availability. Colonies are usually less than one metre across but may be much larger on fringing reefs. Corallites are crowded, slightly exsert and average 2.5 millimetres diameter.

Colour: Usually grey-green or grey-brown.

Similar Species: Turbinaria frondens. See also T. reniformis, which can be recognised underwater by its colour, but also by its more horizontal fronds and its more immersed corallites, giving a smooth appearance.

Habitat: May be a dominant species in shallow turbid environments.

Abundance: Common.

Taxonomic Note: A species complex.

COTW History since Veron (2000a)
  • Family: All families are currently under review
  • Genus/species: No change