Characters: Colonies are hemispherical, with an even surface. Corallites are evenly spaced and conical with rounded, upright or outwardly directed openings. The coenosteum has outwardly directed papillae.
Colour: Cream, brownish blue or yellow, sometimes mottled.
Similar Species: Astreopora listeri, which is distinguished by its smooth coenosteum and immersed corallites. See also A. gracilis.
Habitat: Most reef habitats except very turbid water.
Abundance: By far the most common Astreopora.
Taxonomic Note: Probably a species complex.
Taxonomic References: Lamberts (1982); Veron and Wallace (1984); Veron (2000a);
Identification Guides: Randall and Myers (1983); Veron (1986a); Nishihira and Veron (1995); Pillay, Terashima, Venkatasami et al. (2002); Turak and DeVantier (2011b);